About Us

Partners for Sustainable Development (PSD) is a non-profit organization founded in 2016 but was given legal statute in 2018. PSD has a registration number: 766/G.37/C-84/VOLII/SASC with headquarter in Buea. The organization has a governing body that ensures the smooth running of the affairs.

Our Vision

The organization has a vision to conserve, develop and restore important ecosystems in Cameroon in particular and the Central African region in general through multi disciplinary partnership involving public and private sector, train future policy makers on conservation issues and improve living conditions of the local communities

Our Mission

-To conserve the natural environment through methods that are ecologically friendly and socially acceptable
-To prepare future generation wildlife ecologists through youth training programs and environmental education
-To enhance environmental impact assessment activities
- To move highly vulnerable households into sustainable livelihoods and towards economic stability in communities
-To empower indigenous and local groups in managing threatened species and high biodiversity ecosystems under climate change
-To foster community livelihood through sustainable agriculture and agro-forestry engagements by participatory rural approach techniques.

Francis Forzi

Wildlife Ecologist & Agronomist, Director

Claire Loiseau PhD,

Biologist, CIBIO, University of Porto Portugal Research Officer & Coordinator Envinronmental Education Program

Ravinder Sehgal PhD

Biologist & Associate Professor, San Francisco State University Technical Adviser